Spiritual Emphasis Services

Osky Altar 2Jesus said, “Apart from Me you can do nothing.”  Staying connected is key.  The context of these words is Jesus saying that what flows through the vine must flow through the branches.

From time -to-time the church, from the pastor to the pew, needs to spend special time refocusing on their relationship with God.  Both individually and as a congregation.

Throughout history these kinds of services have been called Revival Services, Renewal Services, Awakenings, Spiritual Emphasis Services, etc.  They can be as few as 1 service or stretch to multiple services over a few days.

The goal is to allow the church to hear another voice join with the Pastor in order to strengthen the equipping process.  Paul said that Jesus gave gifts to the church, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the Body of Christ may be built up.  These God-given roles advance the mission of Jesus through the local church.

The result of these kinds of services are varied.  We have seen people make commitments to follow Jesus, wayward believers return to Christ, healing both emotionally and physically, encouragements, and many God-connections.

Contact us for more information:  Click Here