Our Blogs

Photo by Dimitar Nikolov (Creative Commons)

Photo by Dimitar Nikolov (Creative Commons)

Above this page you will notice 3 blog titles.  Each of these blogs can be accessed by clicking the tab or by clicking the individual blog titles below.

We know your time is valuable so most likely you do not have time to keep up with everyone’s lengthy blog.  For this reason these blogs will be brief but packed with helpful content.  And for your convenience we we will be happy to email you once-a-month with a brief list of new blog titles along with click-throughs for easy access.

  •  You decide what to read!
  • Great for personal devotions or Bible study groups.
  •  Interactive so you can leave a reply.  We value your input!

Click here for our once-a-month updates so you can easily decide which titles you would like to access.

Impact Prayer –  Excerpts from our prayer study guide and upcoming book, “Where Heaven Meets Earth”:  Overcoming Hindrances to Prayer; The Power of Passionate, Prevailing Prayer; God’s Kingdom Intercessors, Entering the Presence of a Living God.

Kingdom Culture – Keys to living life from a Kingdom culture which causes you to live in victory over the culture of this world.

Intentional Witnesses – Excerpts from our “Loving Your City” Manual:  Defining what it means to be His witnesses; 7 expressions of evangelism, Overcoming fear and intimidation in sharing your faith; Assessing effectiveness, and much more.

If you would like to subscribe to our blogs click here and we will make sure you are added to our once -a-month blog updates with a brief list of all new titles.  You decide what to read!